
How Do Interest Rate Changes Impact Your Real Estate Investments?

By: Abdul Ghafoor


The world of real estate is fascinating and, for many, incredibly rewarding. But like any investment, it comes with its own set of complexities. One of the most influential external factors affecting the profitability of real estate investments is interest rates. In this blog, we will explore the fundamental ways in which changes in interest rates impact the value of real estate investments, using the relationship between the US Federal Reserve, the UAE Central Bank, and their respective currencies as a key example.


The Basic Economics 

Interest rates are a powerful tool used by central banks around the world to control money supply, inflation, and overall economic stability. They have a direct bearing on various aspects of real estate. At the most basic level, when interest rates rise, borrowing money becomes more expensive, and when they fall, borrowing becomes cheaper. This fundamental principle has cascading effects on property values, rental income returns, and the broader market's health.

Mortgage Rates and Property Values

Higher interest rates generally lead to higher mortgage rates. As mortgage rates climb, the pool of buyers who can afford a property at a given price tends to shrink. Less demand, all else being equal, puts downward pressure on property prices. If you are holding property with the hope of appreciation, rising interest rates could erode your potential gains.


For example, in the UAE, where the Dirham (AED) is pegged to the US Dollar (USD), the Central Bank of the UAE often moves its interest rates in tandem with the US Federal Reserve to maintain the fixed exchange rate. So, when the Federal Reserve raises its rates, borrowing costs in the UAE are likely to rise in sync, potentially cooling demand for property and exerting downward pressure on prices.

The Cap Rate Story

The capitalization rate, or ‘cap rate,’ is a critical metric in real estate. It is calculated by dividing a property’s Net Operating Income (NOI) by its current market value or acquisition cost. Cap rates provide a quick snapshot of a property’s profitability, with a higher cap rate suggesting a potential for higher returns but often at higher perceived risk.


Here's the catch: interest rates and cap rates are closely related. As interest rates rise, so does the cost of borrowing and the attractiveness of alternative investments (like bonds). This can lead to an increase in cap rates, as investors seek higher returns to compensate for increased borrowing costs and to compete with returns from those alternative investments.

The International Ripple Effect

In our interconnected world, interest rate changes in one country can send ripples across the globe. For countries like the UAE, whose currency is pegged to the US Dollar, these ripples can turn into waves. When the US Federal Reserve adjusts its interest rates, it doesn’t just affect the US economy; it has a direct impact on countries with currencies pegged to the Dollar.


For instance, if the Federal Reserve increases its rates, the UAE Central Bank is likely to follow suit to maintain the peg between the AED and USD. This synchronized movement has important implications. A rise in US interest rates, mirrored by a similar move in the UAE, increases borrowing costs in the UAE. This, in turn, could lead to reduced demand for property and downward pressure on property values in the UAE.

Real Estate as Part of a Portfolio

Rising interest rates often make bonds and other fixed-income investments more attractive compared to real estate. If you are an investor with a diversified portfolio, this shift could affect your strategy. In a rising interest rate environment, you might find that the fixed income portion of your portfolio is outperforming your real estate holdings.


It's worth noting that the opposite is also true. In a low interest rate environment, real estate often becomes a more attractive investment compared to bonds or savings accounts, as it can offer higher returns.

Navigating the Waters

So, what can a savvy real estate investor do in the face of fluctuating interest rates?


First, it’s crucial to stay informed. Keeping an eye on the decisions made by central banks, such as the US Federal Reserve and the UAE Central Bank, is essential.


Second, consider the impact of interest rates on your current holdings and future investment plans. If rates are rising, it may be a good time to lock in a fixed-rate mortgage, which would insulate you from further increases in borrowing costs.


Third, be prepared to adjust your investment strategy as conditions change. If rising interest rates are eroding the income from your properties or if property values are falling, it may be worth considering selling some assets or rebalancing your portfolio.


Interest rates are like the tide, and as any seasoned sailor knows, you can't control the tide, but you can navigate it. For real estate investors, interest rates are a significant external factor, and understanding their impact can mean the difference between smooth sailing and stormy seas.

In the ever-changing landscape of real estate investing, knowledge is your most valuable asset. By understanding how interest rate changes impact your real estate investments, you are better equipped to make informed decisions and steer your investments toward profitable shores.


 The writer is a Dubai based serial entrepreneur with interests in Real Estate and initial professional background in banking & finance. Currently, as a business consultant at Penguin International FZCO helps foreign companies navigate UAE markets. He can be reached at